Tagged: Detroit

Detroit Water Shut-offs

Detroit’s Water Shut-offs

This absolutely disgusts me. “Ethnic/economic cleansing” makes me want to vomit. I am all for conserving resources and making people pay for services, but not when it comes down to theoretically killing off your own citizens. Especially when giant corporations aren’t paying for their water usage. Many of these companies don’t even pay government taxes!! We have already seen the damage of the economic downturn of Detroit years ago…why worsen it? This will spiral into an increase in homelessness and poverty. The solution isn’t to give free water to low-income families, because as stated, it would indeed hurt the city overall. Income-based payment is an option! Whoa! Of course, people who make a stupid amount of money will complain. But no one asks to be homeless. No one asks to not be able to bathe or eat regularly. Shit happens! Develop programs for people to participate in. Believe in good will. Believe in community. Stop being selfish.

I still stand by a statement I told my family when I was in grade school–when talks of the Mayan calendar were starting, and the war on terrorism was starting: “A 3rd World War or Mother Nature won’t be what kills off the population. Greed will.” (…and my parents are still baffled by my thoughts and actions! They should have seen it coming!)